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Direct API Access


Some API actions require object UUIDs/IDs to be referenced. You can enable the JSON View from your account settings page which will help you access these variables.


Our Admin API has a Rate Limit that you need to be aware of.


Our API is split in two :

  1. The Public SDK API that serves Flags to your client applications. This API does not require secret keys and is open by design.
  2. The Private Admin API that allows you to do things like programatically create and toggle flags. Interacting with this API requires a secret key.

API Explorer

You can view the API via Swagger at or get OpenAPI as JSON or YAML.

We have a Postman Collection that you can use to play around with the API and get a feel for how it works.

Run in Postman

You can also access the API directly with tools like curl or httpie, or with clients for languages that we do not currently have SDKs for.

API Keys

Public SDK API Endpoints

Publicly accessible API calls need to have an environment key supplied with each request. This is provided as an HTTP header, with the name X-Environment-Key and the value of the Environment Key that you can find within the Flagsmith administrative area.

For SaaS customers, the URL to hit for this API is

Our Edge API specification is detailed here.

Private Admin API Endpoints

You can also do things like create new flags, environments, toggle flags or indeed anything that is possible from the administrative front end via the API.

To authenticate, you can use the API Token associated with your Organisation. This can be found in the Organisation page from the top navigation panel. You need to create a token and then provide it as an HTTP header:


For example, to create a new Environment:

curl '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Api-Key <API TOKEN FROM ORGANISATION PAGE>' \
--data-binary '{"name":"New Environment","project":"<Project ID>"}'

You can find a complete list of endpoints via the Swagger REST API at

For SaaS customers, the URL to hit for this API is

Curl Examples

These are the two main endpoints that you need to consume the SDK aspect of the API.

Get Environment Flags

curl '' -H 'X-Environment-Key: <Your Env Key>'

Send Identity with Traits and receive Flags

This command will perform the entire SDK Identity workflow in a single call:

  1. Lazily create an Identity
  2. Setting Traits for the Identity
  3. Receiving the Flags for that Identity
curl --request POST '' \
--header 'X-Environment-Key: <Your Env Key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"traits": [
"trait_key": "my_trait_key",
"trait_value": 123.5
"trait_key": "my_other_key",
"trait_value": true


You can enable the JSON view in your Account Settings page. This will then give you access to relevant object meta data in the Flag area of the dashboard.

Code Examples

Below are some examples for achieving certain actions with the REST API, using python.

Create a feature

import os

from requests import Session

API_URL = os.environ.get("API_URL", "") # update this if self-hosting
PROJECT_ID = os.environ["PROJECT_ID"] # obtain this from the URL on your dashboard
TOKEN = os.environ["API_TOKEN"] # obtain this from the account page in your dashboard
FEATURE_NAME = os.environ["FEATURE_NAME"] # name of the feature to create

session = Session()
session.headers.update({"Authorization": f"Token {TOKEN}"})

create_feature_url = f"{API_URL}/projects/{PROJECT_ID}/features/"
data = {"name": FEATURE_NAME}
response =, json=data)

Update the value / state of a feature in an environment

import json
import os

import requests

TOKEN = os.environ.get("API_TOKEN") # obtained from Account section in dashboard
ENV_KEY = os.environ.get("ENV_KEY") # obtained from environment settings in dashboard
BASE_URL = "" # update this if self hosting
FEATURE_STATES_URL = f"{BASE_URL}/environments/{ENV_KEY}/featurestates"
FEATURE_NAME = os.environ.get("FEATURE_NAME")

session = requests.Session()
{"Authorization": f"Token {TOKEN}", "Content-Type": "application/json"}

# get the existing feature state id based on the feature name
get_feature_states_response = session.get(
feature_state_id = get_feature_states_response.json()["results"][0]["id"]

# update the feature state
data = {"enabled": True, "feature_state_value": "new value"} # `feature_state_value` can be str, int or bool
update_feature_state_response = session.patch(
f"{FEATURE_STATES_URL}/{feature_state_id}/", data=json.dumps(data)

Create a segment and segment override

import os

from requests import Session

API_URL = os.environ.get("API_URL", "") # update this if self-hosting
SEGMENT_NAME = os.environ["SEGMENT_NAME"] # define the name of the segment here
PROJECT_ID = os.environ["PROJECT_ID"] # obtain this from the URL on your dashboard
TOKEN = os.environ["API_TOKEN"] # obtain this from the account page in your dashboard
FEATURE_ID = os.environ.get("FEATURE_ID") # obtain this from the URL on your dashboard when viewing a feature
IS_FEATURE_SPECIFIC = os.environ.get("IS_FEATURE_SPECIFIC", default=False) == "True" # set this to True to create a feature specific segment
ENVIRONMENT_ID = os.environ["ENVIRONMENT_ID"] # must (currently) be obtained by inspecting the request to /api/v1/environments in the network console

# set these values to create a segment override for the segment, feature, environment combination
ENABLE_FOR_SEGMENT = os.environ.get("ENABLE_FOR_SEGMENT", default=False) == "True"

"feature": FEATURE_ID if IS_FEATURE_SPECIFIC else None,
"project": PROJECT_ID,
"rules": [
"type": "ALL",
"rules": [ # add extra rules here to build up 'AND' logic
"type": "ANY",
"conditions": [ # add extra conditions here to build up 'OR' logic
"property": "my_trait", # specify a trait key that you want to match on, e.g. organisationId
"value": "my-value" # the value to match against, e.g. 103

session = Session()
session.headers.update({"Authorization": f"Token {TOKEN}"})

# first let's create the segment
create_segment_url = f"{API_URL}/projects/{PROJECT_ID}/segments/"
create_segment_response =, json=SEGMENT_DEFINITION)
assert create_segment_response.status_code == 201
segment_id = create_segment_response.json()["id"]

if not any(key in os.environ for key in ("ENABLE_FOR_SEGMENT", "VALUE_FOR_SEGMENT")):
print("Segment created! Not creating an override as no state / value defined.")

# next we need to create a feature segment (a flagsmith internal entity)
create_feature_segment_url = f"{API_URL}/features/feature-segments/"
feature_segment_data = {
"feature": FEATURE_ID,
"segment": segment_id,
"environment": ENVIRONMENT_ID
create_feature_segment_response =, json=feature_segment_data)
assert create_feature_segment_response.status_code == 201
feature_segment_id = create_feature_segment_response.json()["id"]

# finally, we can create the segment override
create_segment_override_url = f"{API_URL}/features/featurestates/"
feature_state_data = {
"feature": FEATURE_ID,
"feature_segment": feature_segment_id,
"environment": ENVIRONMENT_ID,
"feature_state_value": {
"type": "unicode",
"string_value": VALUE_FOR_SEGMENT
create_feature_state_response =, json=feature_state_data)
assert create_feature_state_response.status_code == 201

Create identity overrides

Creating identity overrides varies depending on if you are using Flagsmith SaaS or a different Flagsmith environment.

Flagsmith SaaS

Creating an identity override requires the following information:

  • Environment ID to create the override in
  • Identifier to create the override for
  • Name of the feature to create the override for
  • Desired feature state

To create an identity override, use the Update Edge Identity Feature State endpoint. For example, the following request would enable the feature named custom_background_colour with a value of blue for the identity my_user_id:

curl --request PUT \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_ADMIN_API_KEY' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"enabled":true,"feature":"custom_background_colour","feature_state_value":"blue", "identifier":"my_user_id"}'

This will create the override if it doesn't exist, or update it if it does (upsert).

Self-hosted and private cloud

Creating an identity override in non-SaaS environments requires additional information compared to Flagsmith SaaS:

  • Internal ID of the feature to override
  • Internal ID of the target identity
  • ID of the identity feature state to update, if an override already exists

Make sure you have JSON View enabled.

To obtain the feature's internal ID, open the feature in the Flagsmith dashboard, and expand the "JSON Data: Feature" section. The feature's internal ID is the id field of this JSON object.

To obtain the internal IDs of the target identity, browse to the target identity from the Identities section in the Flagsmith dashboard. The identity's internal ID is displayed in the URL, which is 1234 in this example:

To obtain the ID of the identity feature state, from the same page on the Flagsmith dashboard, expand the "JSON Data: Identity Feature States" section. If you don't see this section, you can create an identity override for this feature and identity combination by calling the Create Identity Feature State endpoint. For example, this request would set the feature with ID 10 to enabled, with a value of "blue":

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_ADMIN_API_KEY'
--data '{"enabled":true,"feature":10,"feature_state_value":"blue"}'

If you do have an identity feature state already, its ID is the id field of the object having the same internal feature ID you had previously found. In this example, if your internal feature ID was 10, the identity feature state ID would be 200:

"id": 200,
"feature_state_value": null,
"multivariate_feature_state_values": [],
"identity": {
"id": 1234,
"identifier": "my_user_id"
"enabled": true,
"feature": 10
"id": 300,
"feature_state_value": null,
"multivariate_feature_state_values": [],
"identity": {
"id": 1234,
"identifier": "my_user_id"
"enabled": false,
"feature": 20

To update this identity override, call the Update Identity Feature State endpoint. For example, this request would enable the feature with internal ID 10 for the identity with internal ID 1234, assuming there was previously an override with an ID of 200:

curl --request PUT '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_ADMIN_API_KEY'
--data '{"enabled":true,"feature":10}'

Update a segment's rules

import os

from requests import Session

API_URL = os.environ.get("API_URL", "") # update this if self-hosting
PROJECT_ID = os.environ["PROJECT_ID"] # obtain this from the URL on your dashboard
TOKEN = os.environ["API_TOKEN"] # obtain this from the account page in your dashboard
SEGMENT_ID = os.environ.get("SEGMENT_ID") # obtain this from the URL on your dashboard when viewing a segment

"rules": [
"type": "ALL",
"rules": [
"type": "ANY",
"conditions": [ # add as many conditions here to build up a segment
"property": "my_trait", # specify a trait key that you want to match on, e.g. organisationId
"value": "my-value" # the value to match against, e.g. 103

session = Session()
session.headers.update({"Authorization": f"Token {TOKEN}"})

update_segment_url = f"{API_URL}/projects/{PROJECT_ID}/segments/{SEGMENT_ID}/"
session.patch(update_segment_url, json=SEGMENT_RULES_DEFINITION)

Iterate over Identities

Sometimes it can be useful to iterate over your Identities to check things like Segment overrides.

import os

import requests

TOKEN = os.environ.get("API_TOKEN") # obtained from Account section in dashboard
ENV_KEY = os.environ.get("ENV_KEY") # obtained from Environment settings in dashboard
BASE_URL = "" # update this if self hosting
IDENTITIES_PAGE_URL = f"{BASE_URL}/environments/{ENV_KEY}/edge-identities/?page_size=20"

session = requests.Session()
{"Authorization": f"Token {TOKEN}", "Content-Type": "application/json"}

# get the existing feature state id based on the feature name
page_of_identities = session.get(f"{IDENTITIES_PAGE_URL}")

for identity in page_of_identities.json()['results']:
IDENTITY_UUID = identity['identity_uuid']
IDENTITY_URL = f"{BASE_URL}/environments/{ENV_KEY}/edge-identities/{IDENTITY_UUID}/edge-featurestates/all/"
identity_data = session.get(f"{IDENTITY_URL}")

Delete an Edge Identity

import os

import requests

TOKEN = os.environ.get("API_TOKEN") # obtained from Account section in dashboard
ENV_KEY = os.environ.get("ENV_KEY") # obtained from Environment settings in dashboard
IDENTITY_UUDI = os.environ["IDENTITY_UUDI"] # must (currently) be obtained by inspecting the request to /api/v1/environments/{ENV_KEY}/edge-identities/{IDENTITY_UUDI} in the network console
BASE_URL = "" # update this if self hosting

session = requests.Session()
{"Authorization": f"Token {TOKEN}", "Content-Type": "application/json"}

# delete the existing edge identity based on the uuid
delete_edge_identity_url = f"{BASE_URL}/environments/{ENV_KEY}/edge-identities/{IDENTITY_UUDI}/"
delete_edge_identity_response = session.delete(delete_edge_identity_url)
assert delete_edge_identity_response.status_code == 204

Delete an Identity

import os

import requests

TOKEN = os.environ.get("API_TOKEN") # obtained from Account section in dashboard
ENV_KEY = os.environ.get("ENV_KEY") # obtained from Environment settings in dashboard
IDENTITY_ID = os.environ["IDENTITY_ID"] # obtain this from the URL on your dashboard when viewing an identity
BASE_URL = "" # update this if self hosting

session = requests.Session()
{"Authorization": f"Token {TOKEN}", "Content-Type": "application/json"}

# delete the existing identity based on the identity id
delete_identity_url = f"{BASE_URL}/environments/{ENV_KEY}/identities/{IDENTITY_ID}/"
delete_identity_response = session.delete(delete_identity_url)
assert delete_identity_response.status_code == 204

Bulk Uploading Identities and Traits

You can achieve this with a POST to the bulk-identities endpoint:

curl -i -X POST "" \
-H "X-Environment-Key: ${FLAGSMITH_ENVIRONMENT_KEY}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d $'{
"data": [
"identifier": "my_identifier_1",
"traits": [
"trait_key": "my_key_name",
"trait_value": "set from POST /bulk-identities"
"identifier": "my_identifier_2",
"traits": [
"trait_key": "some_other_key_name",
"trait_value": "if this identity does not exist, it will be created by this request"
"identifier": "my_identifier_3",
"traits": [
"trait_key": "this_trait_will_be_deleted",
"trait_value": null